ADHD Adult Therapy: Options to Consider
ADHD (attention deficit disorder) is a neurodivergent mental health condition that affects the prefrontal cortex of the brain. This is where the executive function area responsible for self-regulation, working memory, organization, time management, and planning is located. The brain of a person with ADHD processes information differently than does a neurotypical one, and he or she experiences life differently as well. Symptoms of ADHD typically manifest as inattentiveness, hyperactivity, impulsivity, trouble staying focused, emotional dysregulation, and difficulties persisting in projects that require sustained mental effort. However, by the time a person with ADHD becomes an adult, he or she has usually come up with compensatory ways of managing or even hiding their symptoms, so they may not be as noticeable to others. Nevertheless, he or she still struggles with difficulty getting started on tasks, planning ahead, prioritizing, time management, organizing, and remembering details. ADHD adult therapy ADHD adult therapy is different than regular therapy. Most adults with ADHD already know what they should be doing, but they lack the necessary skill set to do it. What they need is concrete, practical help for dealing with symptoms such as disorganization and inability to focus that are interfering with their life, rather than delving into personal issues. They need help learning how to improve the way they function at work and in their relationships. ADHD adult therapy is geared toward educating you on living with ADHD, helping you identify and tap into your unique strengths, teaching you how to build structure in your surroundings, and how to be present in the moment. Your therapist will work with you on skills such as communication, focus, emotional regulation, and time management, as well as assist you in finding ways to reduce the impact of your symptoms so you can lead a more productive [...]