The book of Proverbs says “Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.” (Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭6,‬ ‭NIV) God intends the relationship between parent and child to be one of mutual blessing, of loving one another and being part of each other’s flourishing. ‬‬‬

Everyone’s life has challenges, and children are not exempt from this reality. Try as one might, it’s ultimately impossible to completely shield a child from the ups and downs of life. The best one can do as a parent is to prepare your children to weather these storms or get them help in times of trouble.‬‬‬

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(424) 438-2888

It is a form of talk therapy similar to what adults receive when they go for counseling. The counselor is trained to work with children, and the therapeutic techniques they apply will be geared specifically for children.

Parents or guardians may be uncertain about whether their child needs counseling. Additionally, parents or guardians can minimize the issues because it can be hard to acknowledge that their child needs counseling.

Unfortunately, there is still a stigma around mental health, and this can prompt delays in getting help. If you’re concerned about your child, and you see the indicators below, it may be helpful for you to take further steps and see a doctor or mental health professional.

The following symptoms may indicate a problem that counseling can help address:

  • Persistent feelings of guilt, sadness, or hopelessness
  • Self-harm, such as cutting themselves
  • Having difficulty adapting to social situations
  • Difficulties falling and staying asleep, and having frequent nightmares
  • Inability to concentrate, think clearly, or make decisions
  • A sudden unexplained decline in their grades
  • Feelings of persistent worry and anxiety
  • Withdrawing from people and activities they usually enjoyed
  • Changes in their appetite, which may result in dramatic weight loss or gain
  • Unexplained physical complaints that don’t respond to treatment
  • Having obsessive routines like hand washing
  • Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
  • Unwarranted aggression toward others, overreacting to situations
  • Violent acts such as setting fires or harming animals
  • Struggling to sit still
  • Hearing voices in their head\Alcohol or substance use

Children face a wide range of issues, and counseling can provide them with the additional support they need. Some of these issues include:

  • Grief and loss
  • Divorce or separation of parents
  • Trauma
  • Mental health concerns like depression and anxiety
  • Autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and other conditions that can affect learning and relating well with peers
  • Bullying
  • Abuse, including sexual, emotional, and physical abuse
  • Abandonment and neglect
  • Substance abuse or addiction in their family
  • Anger problems

Your child’s counselor will seek to create a safe environment for your child so they can open up and explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The goal of counseling is to help your child develop their ability to express themselves, as well as build healthy self-esteem. Another key aim is to help your child build resilience and the ability to cope with adversity in healthy ways that promote their development.

Most parents love their children dearly, and they wouldn’t do anything to harm them. That being said, even well-meaning parents may hesitate to seek counseling for several reasons, including the following:

  • Counseling seems like an admission of failure on their part as parents
  • They want to avoid the stigma attached to mental health issues
  • The costs associated with counseling
  • Parents may also hesitate to seek therapy because they don’t understand the process

Reach out to ask questions to gain clarity about how counseling works and explore cost-effective treatment to help your child.


Childhood is joyful and innocent, but it can also be a complex and difficult time of life. Parents can support their children by providing them access to professional help when they need it. Loma Linda Christian Counseling can help you and your child work through your concerns and any issues that stand in the way of their flourishing.

There are effective and rigorous counseling techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Family Therapy, Play Therapy, and Organization Training. These, when combined with and rooted in a Christian faith-based outlook, can help your child thrive to be the person God intends them to be. If you want to find a Christian counselor in the Loma Linda area, consider Loma Linda Christian Counseling. Contact us for a risk-free trial session.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(424) 438-2888