Different Types of Eating Disorders: Bulimia Nervosa
Eating disorders are varied and span from anorexia (known for starvation) to bulimia (known for purging behaviors) to binge eating (consuming enormous amounts of food in one sitting). This article will cover the dangers of bulimia nervosa, the eating disorder’s symptoms, and treatment options. The Lord created food to nourish and sustain us, and often, eating brings us pleasure. But when we turn to food to fulfill a need deep inside, it creates a problem that can lead to different types of eating disorders. When we turn to God to fulfill that spiritual need and allow Him to change our negative thoughts and behaviors, our eating habits align with what He intended. What is bulimia nervosa? Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by purging behaviors. The person with bulimia may eat average-sized meals or overeat but then purge the food to empty the stomach before the body has time to digest the food thoroughly. Purging methods can include forced vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, and overexercise. Some people employ a variety of purging methods. For example, a person living with bulimia may induce vomiting after a large meal and then exercise for an hour to ensure that they have burned any calories they missed. Purging becomes an impulsive behavior. It may reach the point that the body will no longer physically tolerate food. When bulimia reaches a dangerous level, medical treatment is imperative to stabilize physical health. Symptoms of bulimia nervosa The symptoms of bulimia include: Binging behaviors. Disappearing into the bathroom after a meal. Cuts and scrapes on the fingers and knuckles from induced vomiting. Dental cavities, enamel erosion, and discoloration from vomiting. Bad breath. Constipation. Dehydration. Fatigue. Anxiety and depression. Poor body image. Absence of a menstrual period. Spending too much time exercising. Obsessed with exercise and dieting. [...]